Thursday, February 7, 2013

[Tweet] Highlights of Kim Hyun Joong's UNLIMITED Japan Tour 2013 in Osaka Day2 [13.02.07]

Thanks to @OnlyKHJtimes for the tweets ^^

- from 大邱家 korean restaurant at Tsuruhashi, Osaka, and Justin Davis cr Princessmich123: Flower stands for HJ at the concert venue @Princessmich123


- HJ talked about * Drama* Don't worry about it. HJ has positive thinking. So He can do Japan tour ... He is so glad to do that. Said HJ.@@tomomon2

- HJ: (i've known that) you all have been worried abt me through Internet, but i'm not worried (as fans have worried) much, moreover because of that, i can have concerts in Jp. (The uploader also twted “i was encouraged by his these words“ cr: eri6296: インターネット等でみなさんが心配してくれてますが、そんなに気にしてないしそのお陰でJapanツアーが、できてるじゃないですか…と逆に元気もらいました(T_T)ヒョンジュン(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

- leader (hyun joong) said many times “i've had terrible shoulder ache“. Then fans: “Shall we give you the massage?“ HJ: “Not directly, but (I) want you to release it by cheering me up.“ ^^ RT @sironekorida: リダ今日は肩凝りが酷いとしきりにいってました( 〃▽〃)マッサージしようか?のペンの言葉に直接的ではなく、声援で肩凝りをとってほしいと( 〃▽〃)

- thseemed hyun joong gave his ring away to a small person, (a child???) has been at the 1st row. RT @keikosun15: リダ最前の小さい子に指輪あげました。^^

- thanks for the confirmation, “a small person“ is “a child“ ^^ hyun joong gave his ring to a child. RT @eri6296: ヒョンジュンが、子どもさんに指輪をソンムルしました。優しい~(*^^*)


- there was no project that fans flied their airplanes by hyun joong's intention because fans can't concentrate to sing at the end of song(?) Then hyun joong alone flied his airplane. RT @keikosun15: 今日はリダの意向で飛行機企画なしでしたww歌の最後がまとまらないからwwリダだけ飛ばしました♪

- hyun joong sang 7 songs for anchor and ended with HEAT acc to twitters from jp fans

- @賢重君 for fanpicd2.2

-  Hyun joong already left the venue showing his face out from the car window and waved his hand stretching (to fans). RT @ri_best: リダ、バイバイ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡またね!今日は昨日よりお顔出して車から手を伸ばしてお手ふりしてくれました★


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