Saturday, May 7, 2011

[Notice] Hyun Joong Official Site is Hacked!!!

Due to hacking attacks this morning, is closed now and please refer the notice from Keyeast The other notice will be as soon as the is restored.


keyeast notice

English translation:

Hello, this is Keyeast.

This morning, due to an external hacking attack attempt of our official homepage, a change in the depositing bank account number was made and that caused much worries from all of you. We are aware about that and thus we are here to give a notice on this.

The depositing bank account was changed to Woocheguk Bank with Payee being Jaein Office and account number being 013102-02-456508. The above mentioned account is not an account of Keyeast’s. Also, many notices from all of you are being written continuously and posted with personal phone numbers and emails inclusive.

Because of this hacking attempt, all joining applications and bank transferring or depositioning of money for joining into the official fanclub ‘Henecia’ is now temporarily suspended, and we hope that no more damage will be incurred with response to any of these additional deposition of money.

In addition, the newly added activity post in the ‘Schedule’ category as above of this ‘Jeju-do Fanmeeting’ that was said to be held on June 1 is also false information; it is of zero relation to Keyeast altogether, so by making this notice, we hope for no confusion from all of you.

For the sake of all you fans’ safety and to ensure no more damage made, Keyeast is currently licensing with the Cyber Terror Police on cooperation of this. For those fans who have already fallen into this trap by depositing your money into the Woocheguk Bank, please note that you must definitely send in and inform your details on this scam with our fanclub in-charge personnel through either phone calling or through email (

We truly apologize with an apologetic heart for causing inconvenience to all foreign and domestic fans who always give all of your love towards Kim Hyunjoong-ssi. After restoration work is completed, only then will the application for the official fanclub continue as per normal. We will inform on this again through another notice by then.

Thank you.


[Pic] Kim Hyun Joong Lotte Promotion Photos

Credit: as taggedlotte1 lotte2 lotte3

[Scan] Kim Hyun Joong @ Playful Kiss Press Conference in HK news papers


new paper2

new paper1

[News] Hyun Joong currently #2 for “Popularity Award” of the 47th Paeksang Awards [11.05.06]

Source: Daily Sports
Translation by: JYJ3
lifted fr:

[New] (Paeksang Arts Awards) Choi Seunghyun – Park Shinye #1 for “Male and Female” Catch the Eye

baek saeng

There is not even one month left before the ceremony for the Paeksang Arts Awards, the best arts festival for popular culture. It will draw its florid curtains on the coming 26th in the Hall of Peace, Kyunghee University, Seoul. Paeksang Arts Awards, which has its 47th (anniversary) this year, is drawing great attention to the drift of the main awards such as those to the works, directors and leads but also those awarded for popularity. This year, in particular in the movies and TV sections about 20 male and female stars (each) made it as candidates for the popularity awards. We examined in the middle (of this process) to see which candidates are indeed receiving the powerful support of the fans…

Area: TV, Male: Park Yoochun, Kim Hyunjoong, Lee Seungki, Zhang Keunsuk

In the TV area, the ceaselessness of the “young stars” is splendid. Park Yoochun of “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” is maintaining #1 with the vote percentage of 55%. Park Yoochun who is active as JYJ also cemented his place as an actor through this drama. Recently he is filming his next project, the drama Ripley. Ripley will air starting on the 30th on MBC.

The 2nd place who threatens Park Yoochun is Kim Hyunjoong. The vote supporting him is at 31.4%. He also made it as one of the candidates through “Playful Kiss.” Just as Park Yoochun, he is a case in which an idol group (member) transformed into an actor…

The popularity votes will proceed until the Midnight of the 23rd and so it can be said that the turnaround by the other candidates is always possible.

(Parts irrelevant to Yoochun omitted)

[Pic] Kim Hyun Joong @ Playful Kiss Japan Press Conference by Innolife [11.05.04]

Credit: Innolifeinno2inno1inno5 inno6 inno7 inno8 inno9 inno10 inno3inno4inno11

[Pic] Kim Hyun Joong Playful Kiss Talk & Live in Osaka by Masa [11.05.03]


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