Thursday, February 24, 2011

[Pic] Kim Hyun Joong ~ Hangten 2011 S/S Promotion

Credit: Hangten + Leenongkan via FB

hangten pro

[News] Coupang, Kim HyunJoong, Lee NaYoung models for terrestrial TV advertisement

Chinese translation: xinhm @
English translation:
Please repost with full credit

Social commerce company Coupang (Representative Kim BeomSeok employed Kim HyunJoong, Lee NaYoung to be their advertisement model for terrestrial TV advertisement.

On the 24th, starting from Coupang's pre-launch advertisement, more series of advertisement are planned to be released, the advertisements made use of easy to understand and interesting storyline to present Social Commerce characteristic.

In the pre-launched advertisement, model Kim HyunJoong and Lee NaYoung become giants who are pondering the earth from the universe, this storyline increase the curiousity and excitement to the audience.

Kim BeomSeok representative said: "This advertisement is an investment for the future, it is a decision made based on the company future development strategy." "Social commerce market is very huge, the company has determined that there's a need to show our customer some promotion activities for Social commerce, therefore after consideration, decided to choose the most effective media to present the advertisement."

[Pic] Kim Hyun Joong behind the scenes photos of Coupang CF Filming (Add more)


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[Pic] Fanpic Kim Hyun Joong @ Mischievous Kiss shooting site by 김현중 Perfect

Credit: 김현중 Perfect

mk4 MK1 mk2 mk3

[Fanmade] Kim Hyun Joong ~ The little Prince (Add Ver. JoongBo??)

little Prince 2

Hwang Buin thought the same. ^^


Credit: Wadjet

[Pic] Media Photos Kim Hyun Joong ~ Hang ten Korea for a spring outing lovers

Credit: as tagged

Hangten1 Hangten2