Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[Pic+Trans] KimHyunJoong and Jung So Min taken photo with a cute actor

Credit: +

cute child1Oh, it's jihoo sunbae, air already likes him
and doesn't know what to do ^^ he told me to go in,
and welcomed me warmly, asking this and that
seung jo oppa who is as kind and friendly as how he looks^^

cute child2pretty hani unni^^
how kind! air just keeps clinging on to her~~~ hehe
holding hands as we walk everywhere, reading the script together,
playing together.... thank you!
hani unni^^

cute child3When it's time to leave, air was so sad she's crying
unnie held her for quite awhile.
then oppa came to play too, and even gave a hug

and bobo in the end~~
happiness is to have met nice and friendly people

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